Jennifer Scott
Jennifer Scott, RCC, RSW, BC-DMT

Jennifer Scott is a Registered Clinical Counsellor and a Registered Social Worker offering counselling and psychotherapy for adolescents and adults of all ages. She has an MA in Dance/Movement Therapy/Counselling Psychology.
With more than 20 years experience as a social worker and counsellor, Jennifer is skilled in helping people transform major life challenges into opportunities for change, growth, and connection.
Jennifer is a Counsellor of Christian faith and honors the value of all faiths.
Jennifer is a member of the B.C. Association of Clinical Counsellors and the B.C. College of Social Workers. She has experience as a social worker, educator, and counsellor in a variety of settings including psychiatric, medical, and drug and alcohol rehabilitation hospitals, community-based treatment centers, residential care facilities, and schools. She presently has a private practice offering virtual counselling by Video or phone.
Jennifer received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, her Bachelor of Social Work from McGill University in Montreal, and her Master of Arts in Dance/Movement Therapy and Counselling Psychology from Antioch New England Graduate School in Keene, New Hampshire.
Jennifer grew up in Vancouver and then spent 20 years 'out east' in Quebec and New Hampshire. She moved back to Vancouver in 2001 to care for her elderly parents and fell in love with Vancouver all over again. She loves dancing, hiking, snowshoeing, and nordic skiing, and tolerates the gym! All the photgraphs on this website were taken by her.