Mind-Body Counselling and Psychotherapy

Mind-Body Counselling and Psychotherapy

Using a variety of theories and approaches, I help my clients access their own (often hidden) resources to promote healing and transformation in their journey towards wholeness, authenticity, genuine positive relationships, and a deepening connection to self, nature, spirit, and community.

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Jennifer Scott, RCC, RSW, BC-DMT

Sleep Problems?

Jennifer Scott, RCC, RSW, BC-DMT

Sleeping better is always possible if you know what to do. There are 3 steps you can take to help yourself to a better night sleep...


Sleep Interrupted

Jennifer Scott, RCC, RSW, BC-DMT

Sleeping better is always possible if you know what to do. There are 3 steps you can take to help yourself to a better night sleep...


Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Pat Ogden, Ph.D. and Kekuni Minton, PhD. (2000)

"Traditional psychotherapy addresses the cognitive and emotional elements of trauma, but lacks techniques that work directly with the physiological elements, despite the fact that trauma profoundly affects the body and many symptoms of traumatized individuals are somatically based...


Treatment for Trauma

Jennifer Scott, RCC, RSW, BC-DMT

It is no longer necessary to battle the often debilitating symptoms of trauma alone. We know so much more than we did just 20 years ago. Although there is no "quick fix" when dealing with trauma, there is definitely hope for recovery...